The Red Shoes Fiesta

In 2002, a frightened and crying four-year-old girl was brought into St. PJ’s Children’s Shelter, along with her six-year-old brother. Due to severe abuse and neglect, they had to be removed from their home. While the case manager was comforting the little girl, she noticed that the girl was wearing sparkling red shoes. When asked, “Where did you get those?” the little girl responded, “My grandma gave me these shoes to remind me that someday I am going to go home.”

Those little red shoes are our ongoing inspiration for the annual St. PJ’s Red Shoes Fiesta, and serve as a reminder that each child dreams of a special, safe place to call home. You are cordially invited to attend our annual Red Shoes Fiesta on May 8, 2025 at the San Antonio Botanical Garden.

We hope that you will take this opportunity to help the children of St. PJ’s find their own “Red Shoes” on their path to a safe and happy home. YOU can help St. PJ’s make a difference by providing a Red Shoes Fiesta Sponsorship or making a donation.

Red Shoes Fiesta

Thursday, May 8, 2025

San Antonio Botanical Garden

Betty Kelso Center

555 Funston Pl, San Antonio, TX 78209.

6:00 PM

Guests are encouraged to wear red shoes and fiesta attire!

Thank You, Sponsors!

Mission Espada

What happens to a child when they arrive at St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home? What about one week and one month after arrival? Find out by watching the video below!